


Biography text is text that tells details of a person's life story or history. biography text tells the story of someone being born to success or death. starting from the nature, habits, personality to the work of a person, everything is explained in detail in the biographical text. The purpose of biography text is to give the information, motivation and inspiring the reader

Features of biography text

1.      Character family background.

2.      Educational background

3.      Job background

4.      Achievement

5.      Other information about the figure

Characteristic of biography text

1.      contains facts from the life of the figure

2.      the narrative of the text can be made as interesting as possible

3.      Biography text is inspiring and motivating for readers to imitate and learn positive things from the figure

4.      Most biographical texts have the aim of conveying the message of the figure


1.      Orientation

introduce the characters to be told in general. and can answer questions from 5W+1H. Orientation usually contains biodata such as full name, place of birth date and background of the character

2.      Event

In this section, it tells the life struggles of characters from 0 to success and can inspire many people

Types of biography

1.      Based on author :

·        Biography (written by other people)

·        Autobiography ( written by the character himself)

2.      Based on contents

·        Journey of life (memorable life story of a character)

·        Career biography (story of the character's career journey)

3.      Based on its Permission

·        Authorized biography (licensed)

·          Unauthorized biography (not licensed)

4.      Based on the issues discussed

·        Intellectual Biography (collecting a lot of research to collect writing material)

·        Political Biography (life story of state figures in the field of politics)

·        Journalistic biography (written based on the results of interviews with figures to be written, or figures who are informants of supporting material of the text)

5.      By publisher

·        Book Itself (Produced by the publisher's own expense)

·        Subsidy book (production costs borne by the sponsor)

Example  of biography text

Ki Hadjar Dewantara, was born on May 2, 1889 in Yogyakarta. He came from a Yogyakarta aristocratic family and attended a Dutch-sponsored medical school but failed to complete the course. Ki Hadjar Dewantara was the founder of the Taman Siswa school system, and having had a widespread influence, he also pushed for modernization but also promoted Indonesian culture. He feels that education is the best way to strengthen Indonesian society.


The first Taman Siswa school was established in Java in July 1922. Instruction, conducted informally, emphasized the traditional skills and values of Javanese life, particularly in music and dance. Ki Hadjar Dewantara later died on April 26, 1959, in Yogyakarta. After his death, Ki Hadjar Dewantara was named one of the national heroes in the field of education.

Reference / Source


