


Scanning is way or method of reading quickly to get specific information. Scanning method is usually done when we are reading ekstensively. When we have got a book or text that we read and we want to quickly get accurate and specific information, we can use this method. This technique usually use when we read indexed book

Characteristic of Scanning

1.      Can find information quickly

2.      Doesn’t take much time

3.      The reader only reads the part that contains the desired information not the other part

4.      Reading with eye movement rapidly

How to use scanning method in reading?

1.      We must know the purpose of our reading

2.      We must understand how the text is formed

3.      Look for keywords or phrases in the right places. It will speed up us to get information

4.      Look with wider eye. Meaning that we don’t need to read one word at a time, but our eyes can read and search for keywords randomly such as a zigzag pattern or up and down.

5.      We can use the help of our fingers to scan the readings to make it faster and easier

6.      If we have found the keyword or information we want to search for, list it or write it in a note

Advantage of Scanning

In our daily life scanning method use for

1.      Find the specific and accurate information

2.      Find the certain word in dictionary

3.      Search the phone number in phone number book

4.      Save time reading in search of information


Okay guys, so today’s discussion is about scanning of reading


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