
Skimming is a technique that is done by reading skipping parts of the text in a book and doesn’t need to read the entire text or word by word. Skimming aims to find the main idea or topics qickly.

How to skim?

1.      Look the tittle

When we start to read, the first tings we read is must the title. So from the tittle, we can guess what will be discussed in the text.

2.      Only read the important part of the texts

One the purpose of skimming is that we can find the main idea quickly. We don’t need read all the text or word one by one. We can read the important part which contains the information we need.

3.      Read the last paragraph

Every text must have a conclusion at the end of the paragraph. The paragraph that contains the conclusion usually contains the main subject of the text. From there we can find out what the topic or main idea of the text.

 Advantage of skimming

1.      Can find information quickly and efficiently in the text

2.      Can browse a lot of books in a short time

3.      Don’t waste the time and thought to find the right information

When we skimming we need to use active reading strategies

1.      Purpose of reading

What do we want to get out of the text? What the information that we needed for? And why we reading and choose it? Keep this mindset when we skimming

2.      Preview

Before we start to read all the text, better to read and focus on title, heading, illustrations and highlighted item. Those features can help us to find the main idea and concept of the text.

3.      Prediction

After previewing, we can make a prediction about the content of the text what will going to where and what do you want to know from the text

4.      Summarize

After you skimming or read 1 – 5 sentence, make a summarize about that. It can help your brain to keep focus  on your purpose to read the text.



Okaii guys, that’s my little explanation about skimming. I hope you can understand it 😊


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