Inquiry-Based Learning
by Hawla Rosyida
Is the learning model that is applied by a theater
important? Yes, it’s important. The learning model will affect the quality of
thinking students and the success of a teacher in teaching and conveying
knowledge. There are many learning models today, one of them is Inquiry-based
Inquiry-based learning is a learning model that is created like the process of a social scientist in solving problems. This learning process is student-centered. Where students are encouraged to investigate problems and find information. Inquiry-based learning is learning in which students are asked to follow strategies and methods like scientists to build and develop knowledge (Keselman, 2003). This is evidenced in the results of research in the journal Chemistry Education Vol.5 of 2016 belonging to the chemistry education study program at Sebelas Maret University. after the journal it was stated that the students of class X MIA 4 SMAN 1 Karanganyar in the subject of basic chemical law material, students who initially had difficulty in distinguishing chemical laws from one another were also in solving calculation problems because the material required a high understanding, then applied IBL learning model, because at first the teacher only gave an explanation of the material and made students passive. after going through cycles 1 and 2 the result is the application of the IBL learning model and equipped with worksheets, students' skills and achievements can increase. Besides that, I can also help students find a concept so that students can understand the material well. As well as the results of research from the journal of mathematics and science education Vol. 11, No1 (2020) p. 142-153. This journal conducts research at SD Negeri 28 for fourth-grade students about science subjects on animal classification using the Inquiry learning model. At first, the learning process was not optimal because it was still using a learning model centered on teacher lectures, so students were less enthusiastic about learning. after the implementation of the IBL learning model through several cycles, the results of the study stated that students experienced an increase in each cycle. students also gain skills in science processes such as observing, experimenting, executing, and communicating the results of animal classification experiments. So it can be concluded from the results of the research of the two journals that the IBL learning model is effective for improving students' skills and achievements, especially in science learning. Through these several stages, students can improve their learning skills and achievements.
In the inquiry learning model, there are several
stages. First, there is orientation, where the teacher explains the topic of
the learning objectives and steps for the description of activities and
motivation about the material to be delivered to students. second, after the
orientation is conceptualization. In this stage, there are 2 sub-phases, namely
questioning and hypothesis generation, where students will formulate problems
and the teacher will provide several questions for students to formulate
answers and make hypotheses from the problem statement. the third is investigation. students will explore or
systematically plan data, experiment or design a hypothesis experiment and
finally make a collection of meaning from all existing data. Finally, there are
conclusions and discussions. After concluding the results of the data, students
will present the results and discuss or communicate to explain, understand or
evaluate the results of the research with other people or other groups. Those are some of the steps of the inquiry learning
model process.
Each learning model must have advantages and
disadvantages. therefore there are many models of learning in the world. Here
are some of the advantages and disadvantages of inquiry-based learning. The advantages are (1) the learning model is
providing information, (2) student-centered learning, (3) can help improve
students' critical thinking and self-concept, and (4) with this model, students
can deepen and understand the material so it will strengthen their memory, (5)
students can access various learning resources to find solutions to problems,
so they will not be fixated on one book or source. Continue to disadvantages of
inquiry-based learning is (1) This
learning model makes it difficult for students who have slow thinking power,
(2) not efficient for a large number of students, and (3) difficult to apply if
teachers and students are familiar with national teaching methods, (4) The
freedom given to students may not necessarily be used optimally, (5) requires
media and facilities. Those are some of the advantages and disadvantages of inquiry-based
learning. we must be smart in choosing learning methods and adapting to
existing circumstances.
Inquiry-based learning is a learning method that can train critical thinking students. because being smart is not enough, a student must also be able to think critically in the current millennial era. not only critical thinking, but students will also learn problem-solving and self-concept skills that can be applied in learning at school and in everyday life.
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